Local council climate workshop facilitation and reporting

Scientell worked with Moreland City Council to facilitate, and report on, a series of climate risk workshops to establish a common understanding and language around climate change within Council, and support teams in brainstorming, identifying and prioritising their climate-related risks.

Client: Moreland City Council

Audience: Moreland City Council staff

Moreland City Council engaged Scientell to help facilitate 10 climate risk workshops, of 2 hours each, for groups ranging from 5 to 20 Council officers. Scientell worked closely with the Council’s Climate Emergency Integration Officer, who had developed and tested materials for the workshops.

Before each workshop, we met with the Climate Emergency Officer to plan aspects specific to each participating team, conducted independent research to be across the relevant issues, prepared online workshop whiteboards and set up videoconference meetings with breakout rooms.

Following each workshop, we collated workshop findings and documented discussions as a tailored report for each team.

Innovative Features

Due to travel concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scientell presented the workshops online. We used interactive videoconference platforms to engage participants via video, managed online break-out rooms and coordinated brainstorm sessions to ensure all participants had the opportunity to contribute.