Feature story writing

Scientell regularly writes feature articles on a wide range of topics to raise awareness of scientific research findings and their applications.

Client: CSIRO’s ECOS magazine, The Conversation, CRC CARE, Monash University, and others.

Audience: Targeted stakeholder groups such as senior decision makers, as well as people with an interest in science and the environment.

Scientell regularly writes feature stories of between 800 and 1200 words on environmental science topics for CSIRO’s ECOS magazine. We have also written feature articles for The Conversation, and thought-leadership pieces for Monash University, the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), CSIRO and others. 

We interview researchers to identify the story angle and collect lively quotes, conduct research into the topic in order to include background explanatory information, write the article to the specifications of the targeted media outlet, check drafts with scientists and their organisations to ensure the science is correct, and internally review the stories to ensure they are clear and interesting for a variety of audiences.